Wait For Me - Taylor Swift

Wait For Me - Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

Wait For Me

Letra de la canción Wait For Me - Taylor Swift, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Wait For Me esta publicada en la categoria Taylor Swift donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Wait For Me - Taylor Swift
Letra de Wait For Me - Taylor Swift
If you had only gotten to me first 
If I could write a book on how this hurts 
If you could see the way your smile looks to me 

If I wasn’t scared of the world alone 
If I didn’t know he loves me so 
If I could only find the strength to leave 
You’d be with me, so baby 

Don’t you look in my eyes 
I might fall in love 
With a beautiful boy 
I wish that I could touchYou go I hope you think of me 

As the stars fall down and the heavens fade 
This girl is begging wait for me 

It’s so wrong that all I wanna do 
Is forget it all and just be with you 
I have to go ‘cause he don’t know 
But the writing’s on the wall 

But here we are in so deep 
Soaking wet 
Jumping in without no safety net 
And I don’t know what kinda ropes 
Would break this kinda fall, so baby 

Don’t you look in my eyes 
I might fall in love 
With a beautiful boy 
I wish that I could touch 
You go, I hope you think of me 

As the stars fall down and the heavens fade 
This girl is begging wait, wait for me 

We can’t be together right now 
Guess there’s no use in trying 
But if you look at me right now 
Can you tell that I’m dying 
To hold you 
But it would be wrong to 

So don’t you look in my eyes 
I might fall in love 
With a beautiful boy 
I wish that I could touch 
You go I hope you think of me 
As the stars fall down and the heavens fade 
This girl is begging wait for me 

Don’t you look now 
Don’t you look now 
I might fall in love 
Don’t you look now
La letra de la canción Wait For Me - Taylor Swift es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Taylor Swift.
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