Water - Michael Jackson

Water - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Water - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Water esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Water - Michael Jackson
Feeling like this is the end of the world
Missing on the chance to fall in love (I do got it)
Feeling like your love is dangerous, but I love you, girl
Feeling like I'm never good enough
Let the heaven open, it's raining in heaven
Feels like warm july
We'll be something new, I'm here for you
And there's no need to cry
Heaven's like water, water
Drowning my love, it feels like
Heaven's like water, water
People leave me alone
Heaven's like water, water
What am I to do?
Feeling like this is the start of something new
Feeling like this is the world of me and you
Cause you ain't judging me, you just touching me
You ain't bugging me, I'm waiting on you
I'm hoping it's true, baby, it's you
When the storm is ranging
We can walk the moon
Girl, I love you, you're my fortune
You keep me alive
Heaven's like water, water
Drowning my soul, it feels like
Heaven's like water, water
People leave me alone
Heaven's like water, water
What am I to do?
I lie awake, I count the days
When I'm not there with you, I cry my eyes away
I'd rather stay, I rather play again
When I'm not there with you forever, always
(Water, water)
Don't you do this to me
Tell the angels no
I don't wanna leave my baby alone
Won't you leave us alone
Tell the angels no
I don't wanna leave my baby alone
It feels like, leave us alone
(Water, water)
Leave us alone, it feels like
(Water, water)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
(Water, water, water)
(It's like water, water)
All over me, it's all over me
(It's like water, water, like water)
All over me, it's all over me, it's all
All over me (water)
It's all over me
(Water, it's like water, water)
La letra de la canción Water - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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