What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson

What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

What More Can I Give

Letra de la canción What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción What More Can I Give esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson
Celine: How many people will have to die before we will take a
Billy Gillman: How many children will have to cry, before we do
all we can?
Reba McEntire: If sending your love is all you can give
Nick Carter: To help one live
Ricky Martin: How many times can we turn our heads
And pretend we cannot see
Mariah: Healing the wounds of our broken earth
We are one global family
Just sending your prayers
Beyonce: Is something you'll feel
Helping one heal
MJ: What have I got that I can give?
All: (What have I got that I can give? 
(Tell me)
MJ: What have I got that I can give?
Justin: (Yeah, yeah, uh, uh)
?ll: To love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give?
Now let's rather lay down our fears and reach out and make a
Gloria Estefan: Show him the love that is in our hearts let us
bring salvation 
Luther Vandross: Just sending your love has the power to heal
Usher: So let's all give
All: What have I got that I can give?
Luther Vandross: (Is not allowed to give just a little bit)
All: What have I got that I can give?
Luther Vandross: (Everyone should be a part of it)
All: To love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give?

MJ: Say the words
I'll lay me down for you
Celine: Just call my name
I am your friend
MJ: See, then why do they keep teaching us
Such hate and cruelty?
We should give over and over again
All: What have I got that I can give?
MJ: (We should give over and over again!)
All: What have I got that I can give?
MJ: (Oh my god, oh my god)
Boyz II Men: (Oh my Lord)
All: See, to love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give?

All: What have I got that I can give?
Mariah: Aahh...
All: What have I got that I can give?
MJ: (give you, give to you)
All: See, to love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give?

All: What have I got that I can give?
Celine: (What More Can I give?)
All:What have I got that I can give?
MJ: (I wanna give to you, give it to you)
All: See, to love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give
MJ: (they think I'm crazy but I'm not!)
2nd Chorus:
All: What have I got that I can give?
MJ: (To give it to you)
Mariah: Aahh..
?J: (we wanna give to you!)
All: What have I got that I can give?
To hold and conceal you
(Oh, no, yeah, yeah, yeah)
All: To love and to heal you
What more can I give?
(Give me, give me one time more)
What have I got that I can give?
Gloria Estefan: (What I got, what have I got) 
(Say your prayers)
What have I got that I can give?
(Show the world how much you really care)
To love and to teach you
Celine: (To love you, teach you)
To hold and to need you
Celine: (To hold you, to need you)
(What more?)
What more can I give?
All: What have I got that I can give?
3LW: (What can I give? Tell me what can I give you)
All: What have I got that I can give?
To hold and conceal you
To love and to heal you
What more can I give?
La letra de la canción What More Can I Give - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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