Who Is It - Michael Jackson

Who Is It - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Who Is It

Letra de la canción Who Is It - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Who Is It esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Who Is It - Michael Jackson
I gave her money
I gave her time
I gave her everything
Inside one heart could find
I gave her passion
My very soul
I gave her promises
And secrets so untold
And she promised me forever
And a day we'd live as one
We made our vows
We'd live a life anew
And she promised me in secret
That she'd love me for all the time
It's a promise so untrue
Tell me what will I do
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else
(Who is it) It is a friend of mine
(Who is it) Is it my brother
(Who is it) Somebody hurt my soul now
(Who is it) I can't take this stuff no more
I am the damned
I am the dead
I am the agony inside
The dying head
This is injustice
Woe unto thee
I pray this punishment
Would have mercy on me
And she promised me forever
That we'd live our life as one
We made our vows
We'd live a love so true
It seems that she has left me
For such reasons unexplained
I need to find the truth
But see what will I do
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
(Who is it) It is a friend of mine
(Who is it) Is it my brother
(Who is it) Somebody hurt my soul now
(Who is it) I can't take it cause I'm lonely
(hey, hey, hey... )
(Who is it) It is a friend of mine
(Who is it) To me I'm bothered
(Who is it) Somebody hurt my soul now
(Who is it) I can't take it cause I'm lonely
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
Cause the will has brought no fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else
La letra de la canción Who Is It - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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