Wings Of My Love - Michael Jackson

Wings Of My Love - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Wings Of My Love

Letra de la canción Wings Of My Love - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Wings Of My Love esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Wings Of My Love - Michael Jackson
When this old world gets you down 
When your spirit's on the ground 
Just remember I will always be around 
Just climb on the wings of my love 
I'll take you high on the wings of my love 
When you're feeling all alone 
Like a child who's got no home 
You know you've always got a place where you can go 
Just climb on the wings of my love
Like a beach that knows no boundaries with all the trees 
As it rushes to the seas darling we'll be just as free 
I'll lift your spirits high our love will fly 
We'll have heaven blue skies and forever sunshine
'Til you break those ties that bind 
'Til that day you're really mine 
Anytime you want to leave your world behind 
Just climb on the wings of my love
I'll lift your spirits high our love will fly 
We'll have heaven blue skies and forever sunshine
We've got rainbows yet to find 
And we'll find them all in time 
Girl you know someday we'll even touch the sky 
Just climb on the wings of my love
Anytime you want to leave your world behind 
I'll take you high on the wings of my love 
Just take my hand and together we'll touch the sky 
Just climb on the wings of my love 
Yes remember I will always be around 
I'll take you high on the wings of my love
La letra de la canción Wings Of My Love - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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