Xscape - Michael Jackson

Xscape - Michael Jackson
Letra de la canción Xscape - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Xscape esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de Xscape - Michael Jackson
Open up, 6
He's gone!
Verse 1
Everywhere I turn, no matter where I look
The systems in control, it's all ran by the book
I've got to get away so I can clear my mind,
Xscape is what I need,
Away from electric eyes
No matter where I am, I see my face around
They then ask on my name, and push from town to town
Don't have a place to run, but there's no need to hide,
I've got to, find a place,
So I won't hide away
Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle
this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me
Sometimes I feel like
I've gotta get away
Verse 2
I tried to share my life with someone I could love
But games and money is all she ever thought of
How could that be my fault when she gambled and lost?
I'm tired of silly games,
It's time to make a change
Why is it I can't do whatever I want to? (oh)
Went in my personal life and I don't live for you (you)
So don't you try to tell me what is right for me
You be concerned about you,
I can do what I want to
Xscape, (hoo-hoo) (oh, no) got to get away from a system lose in
the world 
today (I've got to get away)
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone
away (don't you 
know I need it?)
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle
this man (I've 
got to get away)
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me (get
Xscape, (don't you try it) got to get away from a system lose in
the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone
away (pressure 
that I'm facing every day)
Xscape, (hoo-hoo) the man with the pen that writes the lies that
hassle this 
man (come on, now)
Xscape, (come on, now) I do what I wanna cause I gotta face
nobody but me 
When I go, (oh, go) this problem world won't bother me no more 
(This problem world won't bother me no more) (problem world,
bother me, yeah, 
oh, yeah, hoo)

Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
(I've got find a 
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone
away (pressure 
that I'm facing)
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle
this man (why I 
wanna fly)
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me (I do
what I wanna, 
Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle
this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me
Xscape, got to get away (I've got find a way)
Xscape, the pressure that I face (can't take it no more)
Xscape, the man with the pen (I can't take this no more)
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me
Xscape (auow!)
Got to get away
The pressure that I face
The man with the pen (get away)
I do what I wanna
I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me (hee-hee-hee)
La letra de la canción Xscape - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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