You've Got A Friend - Michael Jackson

You've Got A Friend - Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

You've Got A Friend

Letra de la canción You've Got A Friend - Michael Jackson, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción You've Got A Friend esta publicada en la categoria Michael Jackson donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Michael Jackson
Letra de You've Got A Friend - Michael Jackson
When you're down and trubled 
And you need some love and care 
And nothin', no nothin' is goin' right 
Just close your eyes and think of me 
And soon I'll be there to brighten up 
Yeah, even your darkest night 
You just call out my name 
And you know, wherever I am 
I'll come a-runnin' 
To see you again 
Chorus : 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
And I'll be there, yeah I will 
You've got a friend
When the sky above you 
Grows dark and full of clouds 
And that old north wind 
He begins to blow 
Here's what you do baby 
Keep your head together 
And call my name out loud 
And soon you'll hear me 
Knockin' at your door 
Oh yes I will, yes I will 
You just call out my name 
And you know, wherever I am 
I'll come a-runnin' 
To see you again
Ain't it good to know 
That you've got a freind 
People can be so cold 
They'll hurt you and desert you 
And take your soul if you let them 
Oh, don't let them
Chorus : 
Winter, spring, summer or fall 
All you have to do is call 
And I'll be there, yes I will
You've got a freind, yes you do 
You've got a freind, yes you do 
Right till the end, for you 
Ain't it good to know
La letra de la canción You've Got A Friend - Michael Jackson es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Michael Jackson.
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