A Woman Like Me - Beyonce

A Woman Like Me - Beyonce

A Woman Like Me

Letra de la canción A Woman Like Me - Beyonce, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción A Woman Like Me esta publicada en la categoria Beyonce donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de A Woman Like Me - Beyonce
[VERSE 1:]
Do you think
You could fall for a woman like me
'Cause I find it hard to trust
I need too much
And I really don't believe in love, no no
Do you think
That I could be the girl of your dreams
Sometimes I don't let things go
Get emotional
And sometimes I'm just out of control

You need to stop for a minute
Before you get too, deep up in it
(Too deep)
'Cause everything ain't what it seems
It's hard loving a woman
A woman like me
(Woman like me)
You need to think about it
Before you get hooked on the venom
And can't live without it
(No no)
Can't believe everything you see
It's hard loving a woman
A woman like me

[VERSE 2:]
Do you think
That I could be the one that you seek
'Cause baby I'm one step ahead
You're two steps behind
But baby I don't mind
Do you think
That I can make you real happy baby
Just don't get me wrong
My loving is so strong
But I ain't tryna lead you on

You need to stop for a minute
(No no)
Before you get too, deep up in it
(No no)
'Cause everything ain't what it seems
It's hard loving a woman
A woman like me
(Woman like me)
You need to think about it
Before you get hooked on the venom
And can't live without it
(Without it)
Can't believe everything you see
It's hard loving a woman
A woman like me

Woman like me
Woman like me
Woman like me

You need to stop for a minute
(Stop for a minute)
Before you get too, deep up in it
(Before you get too deep up in it)
'Cause everything ain't what it seems
It's hard loving a woman
A woman like me
You need to think about it
(Think about it, baby)
Before you get hooked on the venom
And can't live without it
(No, no)
Can't believe everything you see
It's hard loving a woman

A woman like me
Woman like me
Woman like me
Woman like me
La letra de la canción A Woman Like Me - Beyonce es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Beyonce.
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