Again - Bruno Mars

Again - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars


Letra de la canción Again - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Again esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Again - Bruno Mars
Hands over my head thinking what else could go wrong?
Would've stayed in bed, how can a day be so long?
Never believed that things happen for a reason
But how this turned out, you moved all my doubts, I believe
That for you I'll do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
For you
I missed the first train, stood out in the rain all day
Little did I know
When I caught the next train, there you were to sweep me away
Guess thats what I've waited for
Never believed that things happened for a reason
But how this turned out, you moved all my doubts, I believe
That for you Ill do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
(Ohh) Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, would turn out so lovely?
I'm so glad I found you
Even though the day went so wrong, I wouldnt change a thing (yeah, yeah, oh, I'll do it)
I'll do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through, led me to you
So I'll do it all over again (yeah, yeah, ohh)
I'll do it all over again (I'd do it all over, I'd do it all over)
Do it all over again (I'd do it all over for you, for you)
All I went through, led me to you (all I went through, it led me to you)
So I'd do it all over again (over again)
Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, could turn out so lovely, ohh?
Who ever thought a day gone so wrong, could turn out so lovely?
La letra de la canción Again - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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