All I Need - Bruno Mars

All I Need - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

All I Need

Letra de la canción All I Need - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción All I Need esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de All I Need - Bruno Mars
Sugar, cocoa and honey
(Hey y'all, Bruno Mars)
That's what you taste like to me
(Love it when girls taste like milk chocolate,
White chocolate, dark chocolate)
And all I need is your sex to wash it down
(It all goes down the same way)
Uh come it girl right now
I'm a British boy, so I do British things
That nibble on your earlobe, but let your body sing
You're my violin and on a string
With every breath you take, I won't let it sting
So let me in, open the doors
What yours is mine, what mine is yours
Where's your pussy, give me your pours
And I'll mind if it's you going through my drawers
Keep it clean 'cause we gettin in the mess
Baby go yeah you're baring in the flesh
I heard from your friends that I'm better than your ex
And if I real that I'm better than your next
But noffy pie, you my sweet tart
That's one of the reasons that you're my sweet heart
So when I meet us, repeat fast
Why don't we just take it slow, so we love
Sugar, cocoa and honey
That's what you taste like to me
Now all I need is your sex to wash it down
Uh come it girl right now
The world is ours
Put your head back, see the stars
I like you just the way you are, like Bruno Mars
I know I can, call me Nas
I love your face, I love your ass
Now give me your flower, 'cause I'm a human vase
And I'm about to guide you, before I
I hope you think you can keep a secret before I ask
Oh no, oh no, you burning my tongue just like your cocoa
Oh no, oh no, I think you need some cream upon ya
You think I got a chick, what's her name?
I ain't lying, you're my man
You're the only picture inside my friend
Let's wash it down my sex, no champagne
Sugar, cocoa and honey
That's what you taste like to me
Now all I need is your sex to wash it down
Uh come it girl right now
Sugar, cocoa and honey
That's what you taste like to me
Now all I need is your sex to wash it down
Uh come it girl right now
La letra de la canción All I Need - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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