Before It Explode - Bruno Mars

Before It Explode - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Before It Explode

Letra de la canción Before It Explode - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Before It Explode esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Before It Explode - Bruno Mars
Is not a question of love
'Cause our love has never changed
But all the little thinks keep pilling up
And life keeps getting in the way
Don't make it harder than it is
We both knew it'd come to this
Better now than in a year
More night of tears and we both hate each other
The fuse is already lit, so how about a final kiss
Just let it go...
And stop the madness before it explodes
Before is out of our control
Lets stop the madness before it explodes
We gotta let it go
Before it all explodes
Somethings we wont understand
And we're both so tired of being misunderstood
So lets just turn around and walk away
And hold on to what was good
Don't make it harder than it is
We both knew it'd come to this
Better now than in a year
More nights of tears and we both hate each other
The fuse is already lit, so how about a final kiss
Just let it go...
And stop the madness before it explodes
Before is out of our control
Lets stop the madness before it explodes
We gotta let it go
Before it all explodes
Before it explodes
Before is out of our control
Lets stop the madness before it explodes
We gotta let it go
Before it all explodes
La letra de la canción Before It Explode - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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