Bulletproof - Bruno Mars

Bulletproof - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars


Letra de la canción Bulletproof - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Bulletproof esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Bulletproof - Bruno Mars
She's Bulletproof
Oooh ooooh oh oh ooooh
It was love before
Girl I know your heart's been through the storm and more
I can tell you barely survive
Girl my love will be the same
I'm not tryna run no games
I just want your tears to dry
Girl why do I have to pay for your past
I don't
Do you want to come the last
I can see
Your heart's the target
But every time I fire I can't get through through through
I fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
But losing's not an option
So I keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof
But I, Keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof (She's bulletproof)
Feels like we both at war
Out of ammo, can't shoot no more
What do you want from me
I can feel you reachin out now
But you gotta let your guard down
Why's it so hard to see oooh
Your heart's the target
But every time I fire I can't get through through through
I fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
But losing's not an option
So I, keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof
But I, Keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof (She's bulletproof)
Ooooh ooooh oh oh ooooh
Your heart's the target
But every time I fire I can't get through through through
I fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
But losing's not an option
So I keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof
But I, Keep shootin my love away
Keep shootin my love away
Damn this girl is bulletproof proof (She's bulletproof)
La letra de la canción Bulletproof - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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