Circles - Bruno Mars

Circles - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars


Letra de la canción Circles - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Circles esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Circles - Bruno Mars
Yeah, ha, Hey Darlin, Yeah...
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Got me going in circles, c-circles
Tell me what I'm supposed to do
You got me up at night
Feeling like... You won't come thru
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
I give you everything, but, it's not enough
You started being easy but lately you've made it rough (for us)
You say you need me but then turn me away
Got me, oh so confused, should I leave or should I stay?
(Baby tell me what you want) A little more time
(Baby tell me what you need) Baby all your love
(How far you tryna go?) All the way
(Girl I just don't know) Make up your mind
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Got me going in circles, c-circles
Tell me what I'm supposed to do
You got me up at night
Feeling like... You won't come thru
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Got me going in circles, c-circles
Tell me what I'm supposed to do
You got me up at night
Feeling like... You won't come thru
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Got me going in circles, c-circles
Tell me what I'm supposed to do
You got me up at night
Feeling like... You won't come thru
Got me going in circles, c-circles
My heart is dizzy from you
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round we go
Round and r-r-r-round
I'm goin' in circles, c-circles, for you!
La letra de la canción Circles - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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