Click Clack - Bruno Mars

Click Clack - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Click Clack

Letra de la canción Click Clack - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Click Clack esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Click Clack - Bruno Mars
You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes
So I might die a happy man today
Just empty out your barrel girl
It's alright
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Go 'head pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it
Go ahead make my day
Click clack away
You got… dumbass seduction
If I was broke i'd give you half of nothing
Or give it all then I give you more
I'm no decorator but the writing's on the wall
Went to summer fall, april, may and june
You shot me through the heart but I don't have a wound
You got a good aim cause I could've sworn I moved
When it comes to relationships I don't have a clue
Love at first sight I don't know I zoom
You put a hit on me ba da bing ba da boom
If this is pain hurry up and let me suffer
What doesn't kill me should make my love tougher
I'm tough now, whassup now
Fire at me I swear I won't duck down
Wow you had me in awe
You ain't have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw
You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes
So I might die a happy man today
Just empty out your barrel girl
It's alright
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Go 'head pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it
Go ahead make my day
Click clack away
You take away my very breath
No need to ask if i'm ready, yes
I go get my tux and you go get your dress
And we gon' do it big although we just met
I was just being fresh yeah I know i'm a mess
But I like spontanuity, continuity
Let it flow let it flow… with me
And i'm not pressing charges
Don't want you to ricochet and hit another target
You take me to the edge, right up to the margin
All I see is fireworks I can feel it sparking
Hope you keep me at the centre of your bullseye
And you know it's more benefits or full time
You are everything and more
You ain't have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw
You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes
So I might die a happy man today
Just empty out your barrel girl
It's alright
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Click clack away
Go 'head pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it pull it
Yeah yeah
Pull it pull it
Go ahead make my day
Click clack away
La letra de la canción Click Clack - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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