Dream Taker - Bruno Mars

Dream Taker - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Dream Taker

Letra de la canción Dream Taker - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Dream Taker esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Dream Taker - Bruno Mars
Oooohhhh ooohhhh
I used to go out of my mind tryna
Redefine the real meaning of love
I lost my dignity, forgot about me
I was so lost in us
I had to take on,
Because you had me stuck in the middle of nowhere
And my faith it would shake,
I know you're trying your best to take me

Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Been standing in the way for far too long
Dream maker now it's taking your place
I'm no longer asleep my heart is finally awake
So goodbye, good day, farewell, it's okay
Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
You used to be the man of my dreams
Only now it seems you were just a nightmare
But this little light of mine told me open my eyes
There's more than darkness out there
I'm not gonna run from ya,
Imma walk from ya,
I'm not afraid of ya, I've escaped from ya
And my faith is in place
In the night I no longer see your face!

Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Been standing in the way for far too long
Dream maker now it's taking your place
I'm no longer asleep my heart is finally awake
So goodbye, good day, farewell, it's okay
Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
From ashes to ashes and dust to us
I'm not gonna run from ya, imma walk from ya,
I'm not afraid of ya, I've escaped from ya
I'm not gonna run from ya, imma walk from ya,
I'm not afraid of ya, I've escaped from ya

Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Been standing in the way for far too long
Dream maker now it's taking your place
I'm no longer asleep my heart is finally awake
So goodbye, good day, farewell, it's okay
Dream taker, won't you leave me alone?
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
Can't wait til you're gone
Haven't dreamt in so long
La letra de la canción Dream Taker - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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