Forgotten - Avril Lavigne

Forgotten - Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne


Letra de la canción Forgotten - Avril Lavigne, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Forgotten esta publicada en la categoria Avril Lavigne donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Avril Lavigne
Letra de Forgotten - Avril Lavigne
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
I'm giving up on everything
Because you messed me up
Don't know how much you
Screwed it up
You never listened
That's just too bad
Because I'm moving on
I won't forget
You were the one that was wrong
I know I need to step up and be strong
Don't patronize me
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


Have you forgotten
Everything that I wanted
Do you forget it now
You never got It
Do you get it now
Yea yea yea yea yea
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Gotta get away
There's no point in thinking about yesterday
It's too late now
It won't ever be the same
We're so different now
Yea yea yea yea yea


I know I wanna run away
I know I wanna run away
Run away
If only I could run away
If only I could run away
Run away
I told you waht i wanted I
I told you waht i wanted
What I wanted
But I was forgotten
I won't be forgotten
Never Again

[Chorus (2x)]

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
La letra de la canción Forgotten - Avril Lavigne es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Avril Lavigne.
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