Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) - David Guetta

Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) - David Guetta
David Guetta

Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO)

Letra de la canción Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) - David Guetta, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta

Letra de Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) - David Guetta

All the things i know right now
If i only knew back then
There's no gettin' over
No gettin over'
There's just no getting over you.

[chris willis]
Wish i could spin my world into reverse, just to have you back again
There's no getting over
There's no gettin over
There's just no getting over you (you)!

We're back
Hey hey i cant forget you baby
I think about you everyday
I tried to mascarate the pain
Thats why im next on the booth
D-d-d dance to the groove
There is no there is no getting over you.
Baby it feels so right
To dance to the beat up night
The heat between you and i retreat to the morning light
We like to live like class
And pour them shots up in the glass
But there is no,there is no getting over you.
I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...
I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...

All the things i know right now
If i only knew back then
There's no gettin' over
No gettin over'
There's just no getting over you.

[chris willis]
Wish i could spin my world into reverse, just to have you back again
There's no getting over
There's no gettin over
There's just no getting over you (you)!

I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...
I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...

People in the place
If you ever felt love
Then you know what i'm talking about
There is no getting over

I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...
I'm a party, and party and party and party...
And party and party and party...

La letra de la canción Getting Over You (Feat. Fergie, Chris Willis & LMFAO) - David Guetta es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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