Little Bad Girl - David Guetta

Little Bad Girl - David Guetta
David Guetta

Little Bad Girl

Letra de la canción Little Bad Girl - David Guetta, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Little Bad Girl esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta

Letra de Little Bad Girl - David Guetta

(Taio cruz)

Oh yeah, they tell me i'm a bad boy
All the ladies look at me and act coy
I just like to put my hands up in the air
I want bad girl dancing over there

Look at her go on the dancefloor
She's amazing, on the dancefloor
When she moves girl i want more
Keep it going girl like i got an encore
She got me saying

Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, go little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl

Oh yeah, they tell me i'm a bad boy
All the ladies look at me and act coy
I just like put my hands up in the air
I want bad girl dancing over there

Shaking her ass from the left to the right
Moving it round just the way that i like
I wanna see her move like a movie on flight
She got it how i want it and i want it all night

Look at her go on the dance floor
She's amazing, on the dance floor
When she moves girl i want more
Keep it going girl
Like i got an encore
She got me saying

Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, go little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl

Let's go!
She is looking at it hard, dropping it and tend to
Popping a gun like ain't nobody ever seen (ever seen, seen... Seen)
Matter fact i seen a woman all up in my dreams
Whippin it, and flippin it, stackin' it and slap it
I'm attacking until she back it up until she make it drop
And in a minute i told her baby girl, ludacris on the track baby girl don't stop! (stop... Stop)
Keep it going, you never know when somebody1s gonna throw a couple dollar
Got a pocket full of hundred dollar bills
Ludacris, "mr. Make a woman holler"
And every night on the flo puttin' on a show
Everbody in the club, there's a little something you should know!

(taio cruz)
Look at her go on the dance floor
She's amazing, on the dance floor
When she moves girl i want more
Keep it going girl
Like i got an encore
She got me saying

Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, go little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, little bad girl
Go little bad girl, go little bad girl

La letra de la canción Little Bad Girl - David Guetta es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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