I Just Wanna Fuck - David Guetta ft Timbaland y Dev

I Just Wanna Fuck - David Guetta ft Timbaland y Dev
David Guetta

I Just Wanna Fuck

Letra de la canción I Just Wanna Fuck - David Guetta ft Timbaland y Dev, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Just Wanna Fuck esta publicada en la categoria David Guetta donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
David Guetta
Letra de I Just Wanna Fuck - David Guetta ft Timbaland y Dev
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!

Take you to my house (yeah)
Put you on my couch (yeah)
My lips on your mouth
Then I'm going south

(Say my name...)
What's your name again?
What's your name again?
(Say my name...)
What's your name again?

Take you to my room (yeah)
Have you saying 'Oooh!'
Baby like that?
Yeah, you know what to do

(Say my name...)
What's your name again?
What's your name again?
(Say my name...)
What's your name again?
What's your name again?

Baby, I don't know
I don't usually do
This is luminal
But you can hammer too
Lips on your...
Yeah, I know what to do
Baby it don't matter
I'll be drinking, do whatever

A girl
You're my B, girl
C girl
I got this D, girl
You need to spell it out?
I make it easy
I have you yelling out
Your A,B,C,D...

I just wanna F, F, F! (G)
I just wanna F, F, F! (A)
I just wanna F, F, F! (U)
I just wanna F, F, F!

A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!
A-a-a-b-b-b-c-c-d-d-e-e F Me!

I'm your alpha dog
You're my alpha bitch
You wanna an alpha bisc
Then get this alpha dick

Music is my life, girl
I just need a mistress
She be in my life, girl
You don't wanna miss this

I'm a L M N O and your Ps, oh
You wanna get a little piece of these, yo
26 letters of pleasure with me... So...
You wanna bring a friend with ya?
Wait, watcha say to me...?

A girl
You're my B, girl
C girl
I got this D, girl
You need to spell it out?
I make it easy
I have you yelling out
Your A,B,C,D...

I just wanna F, F, F! (G)
I just wanna F, F, F! (A)
I just wanna F, F, F! (U)
I just wanna F, F, F!

Ge-ge-ge-get dow-down
Ge-ge-ge-get dow-dow-dow-dow-down
Ge-ge-ge-get down, down, down
Ge-ge-ge-get do-do-down

You can be my student
Give you schoolin'
Show you how to make it bounce
Like a bad check
I can be your teacher
I can teach ya
How to get straight As
But you really wanna F

You can bite? Go fetch
I know what's right but go left
Living in the night, but we hardly dream
In the club goin' Charlie Sheen

A girl
You're my B, girl
C girl
I got this D, girl
You need to spell it out?
I make it easy
I have you yelling out
Your A,B,C,D...

I just wanna F, F, F! (G)
I just wanna F, F, F! (A)
I just wanna F, F, F! (U)
I just wanna F, F, F!

A girl
You're my B, girl
C girl
I got this D, girl
You need to spell it out?
I make it easy
I have you yelling out
Your A,B,C,D...

I just wanna F, F, F! (G)
I just wanna F, F, F! (A)
I just wanna F, F, F! (U)
I just wanna F, F, F!
La letra de la canción I Just Wanna Fuck - David Guetta ft Timbaland y Dev es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista David Guetta.
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