Girl In The Window - Bruno Mars

Girl In The Window - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Girl In The Window

Letra de la canción Girl In The Window - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Girl In The Window esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Girl In The Window - Bruno Mars
Staring from my room i see them
holding hands wish i could be them
lovers doing what we use to do
(but i'm stuck here alone)
that's the way its been here lately
you're too busy now to save me
feels like you forget i'm waiting for you
Sometimes i wish i could just let go
but i love you (i love you)
and i believe that one day you will come around
but can you tell me
How do i always end up being the girl at the window
(window, window)
i tell myself i'm not gonna wait for you whenever you go
(you go, you go)
you give me your word and i always take it
you say you'll be home but you never make it
so why do i..
always end up that girl at the window (the window)
the girl at the window
I know you're working that's why you're leaving
i will never argue your reasons
if this means that you believe in them
oh time goes on and we're growing apart
broken promises break my heart
please don't give me a reason to say goodbye
Sometimes i wish i could just let go
but i love you (i love you)
and i believe that one day you will come around
but can you tell me
How do i always end up being the girl at the window
(window, window)
i tell myself i'm not gonna wait for you whenever you go
(you go, you go)
you give me your word and i always take it
you say you'll be home but you never make it
so why do i..
always end up that girl at the window (the window)
the girl at the window
How can i be what you're saying
when you keep turning all the pages
am i suppose to believe your words are true
don't take advantage of me cos you know i won't leave you
i make sure you know i always wanna see you
whoa won't you do it for me too
Oh how do i always end up being the girl at the window
(window, window)
i tell myself i'm not gonna wait for you whenever you go
(you go, you go)
you give me your word and i always take it
you say you'll be home but you never make it
so why do i..
always end up that girl at the window (the window)
the girl at the window
La letra de la canción Girl In The Window - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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