How Does It Feel
Letra de la canción How Does It Feel - Avril Lavigne, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción How Does It Feel esta publicada en la categoria Avril Lavigne donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de How Does It Feel - Avril Lavigne
Im not afraid of anything, i just need to know that i can breathe and i dont need much of anything but suddenly suddenly i am small and the world is big all around me is fast moving surrounded by so many things suddenly suddenly, Chorus: how does it feel to be different from me are we the same how does it feel? how does it feel to be different from me are we the same how does it feel? I am young and i am free but i get tired and i get weak i get lost and i cant sleep but suddenly suddenly (chorus) Would u comfort me... would u cry with me... uh-uh-oh-oh uh-oh uh-oh (x's 2) I am small and the world is big but im not afraid of anything (chorus x4) How does it feel how does it feel your different from me different(x3) Your different from me....
La letra de la canción How Does It Feel - Avril Lavigne es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Avril Lavigne.
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