I Won't Let You Go - Avril Lavigne

I Won't Let You Go - Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne

I Won't Let You Go

Letra de la canción I Won't Let You Go - Avril Lavigne, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I Won't Let You Go esta publicada en la categoria Avril Lavigne donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Avril Lavigne
Letra de I Won't Let You Go - Avril Lavigne
When you're falling, you're crashing
When your fire has turned to ashes
When you're screaming, your heart is bleeding
When you're feeling like there's no reason

I won't let you go
No, I won't let you go

Cause when you're all alone
And there's cold
And there's no one to hold
When you're feeling lost
And there's no where, no where to go
When you're feeling sad don't forget you can reach for my hand
When you're feeling bad, just remember
I won't let you go
I won't let you go (won't let you go)
I won't let you go (won't let you go)

When you're torn down
When you're messed up
Don't you give in, no don't you give up
When you're drowning and you're fading
Always know that I'm always waiting

And I won't let you go
No, I won't let you go

When you're all alone
And there's cold
And there's no one to hold
When you're feeling lost
And there's no where, no where to go
When you're feeling sad don't forget you can reach for my hand
When you're feeling bad, just remember

I won't let you go
I won't let you go (won't let you go)
I won't let you go (won't let you go)

When I said forever
I know that I meant forever
And I won't let you down
I can always be found
I?ll be always around.
When you're all alone
And there's cold
And there's no one to hold
When you're feeling lost
And there's no where (no where!)
When you're feeling sad don't forget you can reach for my hand
When you're feeling bad, just remember
I won't let you go (la da di da ra da ra da)
I won't let you go (la da di da ra da ra da)
I won't let you go (la da di da ra da ra da)
I won't let you go'
La letra de la canción I Won't Let You Go - Avril Lavigne es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Avril Lavigne.
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