I'm Not The One
Letra de la canción I'm Not The One - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I'm Not The One esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de I'm Not The One - Bruno Mars
Woo, woo!
You think that you're so fly
'Cause you caught my eye
When we first started dancing on the floor
Yes you can buy me a drink
But don't you start to think
Automatically you're taking me home
You know you're fine like I'm fine
And you shine like I shine
And all this sexy flirting
Oou, you know it's working
But even though you're cute
Please don't get it confused
'Cause I'm miss idependent
If you don't miss pretending
I'm not the one
If you don't want yourself to turn
I'm not the one
If you don't want that good good every night
I'm not the one
'Cause I'm the type to treat you right
So boy don't waste your time
If you're looking for this tonight
I'm not the one
Woo, woo!
You think that you're so fly
'Cause you caught my eye
When we first started dancing on the floor
Yes you can buy me a drink
But don't you start to think
Automatically you're taking me home
You know you're fine like I'm fine
And you shine like I shine
And all this sexy flirting
Oou, you know it's working
But even though you're cute
Please don't get it confused
'Cause I'm miss idependent
If you don't miss pretending
I'm not the one
If you don't want yourself to turn
I'm not the one
If you don't want that good good every night
I'm not the one
'Cause I'm the type to treat you right
So boy don't waste your time
If you're looking for this tonight
I'm not the one
La letra de la canción I'm Not The One - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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