I'm With You - Avril Lavigne

I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne

I'm With You

Letra de la canción I'm With You - Avril Lavigne, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción I'm With You esta publicada en la categoria Avril Lavigne donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Avril Lavigne
Letra de I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
I'm standing on a bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I miss you

I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know?
Cause nothing's going right
And everything is a mess
And no one likes to be alone

Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
Yeah, Yeah, Oh...

Oh why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaaahhh

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you

Take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you.

Take me by the hand?
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I... I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you.
La letra de la canción I'm With You - Avril Lavigne es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Avril Lavigne.
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