Innocent - Bruno Mars

Innocent - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars


Letra de la canción Innocent - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Innocent esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Innocent - Bruno Mars
Ohh, ohh
Don't say its over
Cuz your girls in your ear all the time
It's paranoia
They've been playing tricks on your mind
Do they control ya
Girl you know me better then I
Oh let me show ya
Oh let me show ya, aahh
No I would never do that to you,
Just look in my eyes you know I wont lie,ohh
And I would do all I can to prove
Girl I will prove it
If I'm guilty I would pay
For the crime you said I made
But I swear it wasnt me,
No I didnt do it.
If I'm guilty I would pay,
Girl I know I made mistakes,
But before you sentence me
no, I didn't do it
I'm pleading innocent, innocent,
You know I wouldn't do that to you,
Girl i'm pleading innocent, innocent,
I'm innocent.
They say I'm creepy,
Well they never got to know I'm in tears
Why you believe them
Thought you would come to my defense.
Now you deceived me,
When I thought we were on the same side
I see you weepin'
Baby just dry your eyes, ohh
No I would never do that to you,
Girl look in my eyes you know I wont lie, ohh
And I would do all I can to prove
Girl I will prove it
If I'm guilty I would Pay
For the crime you said I made
But I swear it wasnt me,
No I didnt do it.
If I'm guilty I would Pay,
Girl I know I made Mistakes,
But before you sentence me
No, I didn't do it
I'm pleading innocent, innocent,
You know I wouldn't do that to you,
Girl I'm pleading innocent, innocent,
I'm innocent.
La letra de la canción Innocent - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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