Killa On Tha Run - Bruno Mars

Killa On Tha Run - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Killa On Tha Run

Letra de la canción Killa On Tha Run - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Killa On Tha Run esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Killa On Tha Run - Bruno Mars
I don't recognise my reflection
All I see is a product of your deception
Gave you all of me without question
But you had to take advantege of a blessing
I warned you
I told you
It wold end this way
If you kept on playing all these childish games
And just like every other man, you're all the same
Revenge is sweet I love the taste it's giving me
I'm a killa on the run
You broke my heart and now you're staring down my gun
Click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun
Was once a good girl now a killa on the run
Ki ki killa killa killa
Killa on the run
Ki ki ki killa on the run
Killa on the run...
Wipe those tears from your eyes it's too late
With that rag in your mouth can't tell what you say
Slide to the train tracks begging me for mercy
This is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me
I warned you
I told you
It would end this way
If you kept on playing all those childish games
And just like every other man, you're all the same
Revenge is sweet I love the taste it's giving me
I'm a killer on the run
You broke my heart and now you're staring down my gun
Click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun
Was once a good girl now a killer on the run
Ki ki killa killa killa
You brought this up on yourself
I loved you more than anyone else
Karma's a bitch now shut up and take it
Look at the monster you created
You brought this up on yourself
I loved you more than anyone else
Karma's a bitch now shut up and take it
Now i'm a monster
A monster you created
I'm a killer on the run
You broke my heart and now you're staring down my gun
Click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun
Was once a good girl now a killer on the run
Ki ki killa killa killa
Killa on the run
Ki ki ki killa on the run
Killa on the run...
La letra de la canción Killa On Tha Run - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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