Ladies Is Pimps To - Bruno Mars

Ladies Is Pimps To - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Ladies Is Pimps To

Letra de la canción Ladies Is Pimps To - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Ladies Is Pimps To esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Ladies Is Pimps To - Bruno Mars

Fresh out the mall in our brand new fits
Going ninety five in our brand new whips
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
Strut through the club yeah they know we so pay
Standin' on the table sippin' ace of spades
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
Standin at the bar, you know where we are
You lookin for the best you don't have to look far
Yea we some super models
Buyin our own bottles
Living the good life, hard for them haters to swallow
And now were livin the dream
We keep our purse full of cream
Us girls we get it in, money just like them
Ladies holla if you feel me

Fresh out the mall in our brand new fits
Going ninety five in our brand new whips
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
Strut through the club yeah they know we so pay
Standin' on the table sippin' ace of spades
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)

Lou vuitton pumps to match the hand bag
Diamonds on my neck and I don't mean to brag
But I work hard for this money (hard hard for this money)
And in case you didn't hear me I work (hard for this money, money)
Checks in the mail everyday
That's why these boys be like (aye baby, aye baby)
Us girls we get it in, money just like them
Ladies holla if you feel me

Fresh out the mall in our brand new fits
Going ninety five in our brand new whips
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
Strut through the club yeah they know we so pay
Standin' on the table sippin' ace of spades
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)

Getcha own paper, got your own dimes
Buy your own drinks on your own grind
And put your hands up, up ,up
Ladies put your hands up, up , up
Gotcha own house, gotcha own car
And you don't need a man to know who you are
And put your hands up, up ,up
Ladies put your hands up, up , haa

Fresh out the mall in our brand new fits
Going ninety five in our brand new whips
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
Strut through the club yeah they know we so pay
Standin' on the table sippin' ace of spades
Sayin (Ladies is pimps too)
La letra de la canción Ladies Is Pimps To - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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