Lost - Bruno Mars

Lost - Bruno Mars
Letra de la canción Lost - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Lost esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Lost - Bruno Mars
What are you fucking crazy?
It's getting hard to wait,
I'm trying to make her see,
That she don't really knows
That I'm trying to find a way,
And tell her every day, that she just goes along
So I...
I don't wanna be,
The only one that knows
That somebody could come along and just
Say the love for me,
I'm standing shaking ground,
And I'm been thinking that I'm gonna lose it,
Cause I'm losing my head,
I'm losing my mind,
I'm losing control of myself this time.
She's got me losing my head,
I'm losing my mind,
I'm losing my way,
But I think she feels I'm already caught.
Are you talking to me?
I'm already caught.
I wish that I could see,
But it's making you
Feel this should be.
My love is like gunshot
All it takes is a shot for me to blow it all away.
I don't wanna feel like I'm just wasting time,
It's gonna be with you and no one else.
Until you notice me,
I need to know right now
Cause I've been think it that I'm gonna lose it
Cause I'm losing my head,
I'm losing my mind,
I'm losing control of myself this time.
She's got me losing my head,
I'm losing my mind,
I'm losing my way,
But I think she feels I'm already caught.
Give me a chance to...
But girl you make me nervous,
By now you should have noticed me.
And what will it take it
To a heavenly...
You're driving me insane!
I'm losing my head
I'm losing my mind
I'm losing control of myself this time
Shes got me..
I'm losing my head
I'm losing my mind
I'm losing my weight
But I think she deal I'm already lost
I'm losing my head
I'm losing my mind
I'm losing control of myself this time
Shes got me..
I'm losing my head
I'm losing my mind
I'm losing my weight
But I think she deal I'm already lost
I'm already lost
I'm already lost
La letra de la canción Lost - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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