Marry You - Bruno Mars

Marry You - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Marry You

Letra de la canción Marry You - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Marry You esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Marry You - Bruno Mars
It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby?
I think I wanna marry you
Well, I know this little chapel
On the boulevard
We can go
No one will know
Oh, come on, girl
Who cares if we're trashed?
Got a pocket full of cash
We can blow
Shots of Patron
And it's on, girl
Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready like I'm ready
'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby?
I think I wanna marry you
I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bells sing like "oooh"
So what you wanna do?
Let's just run, girl
And if we wake up
And you wanna break up that's cool
No, I wont blame you
It was fun, girl
Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready like I'm ready
'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby?
I think I wanna marry you
Just say "I do"
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby
Just say "I do"
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby
It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby?
I think I wanna marry you
La letra de la canción Marry You - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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