Mr. Worldwide - Pitbull

Mr. Worldwide - Pitbull

Mr. Worldwide

Letra de la canción Mr. Worldwide - Pitbull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Mr. Worldwide esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Mr. Worldwide - Pitbull
Vein! (Let's go) Let's welcome everybody to Planet Pit
And show 'em what worldwide music is

[Chorus: Vein]
Why you think they call me Mr. Worldwide?
Let's show 'em why they call me Mr. Worldwide
Why you think they call me Mr. Worldwide?
Let's show 'em why they call me Mr. Worldwide
Hold up!... Cause bitch I'm worldwide

I-I-I-I'm involved in the music business
But the funny thing is, half of these fools
Don't know music, don't know business
Have no business in music, what is this?
I learned from the best, stayed away from the worst
Now I send off every verse in a hearse
Now the every day is 15th and the 1st
No more food stamps - church
These boys can't get past (3rd Bass)
They a bunch of (MC's Serch'n)
I can care less and you can give
A fat baby's ass if they car's got curtains
They rap for the block, I speak to the globe
I got them models, they holla at them hoes
Better do your homework babito
I took the, three-oh-five, worldwide
I took the, three-oh-five, worldwide
["wide" repeats]
La letra de la canción Mr. Worldwide - Pitbull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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