Papa Americano - PitBull

Papa Americano - PitBull

Papa Americano

Letra de la canción Papa Americano - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Papa Americano esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Papa Americano - PitBull
This here is for women that are delicious and very
pretty beautiful you know that I am only rating
Look, you're rich.
(Pope American)
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon, Boom, you want to be me
Bon, Boom, Boom, Boom, give something Rica
Bon, Bon, Bon, Boom, bring your girlfriends.

Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon, Boom, you want to be me
Bon, Boom, Boom, Boom, give something Rica
Mami, Mami, Mami, Oh!
Look, you're rich.
(Pope American)

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, bring your girlfriends.

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Mami, Mami, Mami, Oh!
Look, you're rich.
I come to my thing let it pass me confused as a
shuddering mouth smelling like smoke
You know I'm putting together mess leaves the wheel that
you like the party and gave in June gosadera but I'm not
mommy give me learn a candle timber mamama'm not Fernando
Roberto Alejandro lady gaga tell that I am putting
together a scandalous way sorry
(Pope American)

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, bring your girlfriends.

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Mami, Mami, Mami, Oh!
Look, you're rich.
(Pope American)

I sell music, not me, I do not sell dreams,
The difference is that it is rented, and mine I am
the owner,
So look at yourself, expírate and jump, and you know
where pa pai,
6 months ago came from Cuba and now you come around,
there is my mother
Learn a vera, I'm Alejandro, Fernando, Roberto,
Tell lady gaga, I'm putting together a scandalous way.

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, bring your girlfriends.
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Mami, Mami, Mami, Oh!
Look, you're rich.
(Pope American)

Night, Day, She wants his medicine,
Night, Day, She wants his medicine,
Night, Day, She wants his medicine,
Night, Day, She wants her medicine.
(Pope American)
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, bring your girlfriends.

Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, I want to be with you
Bon, Bon, Bon Bon, you want to be me
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon, give something rich
Mami, Mami, Mami, Oh!
Look, you're rich.
(Pope American)
La letra de la canción Papa Americano - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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