Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony - PitBull

Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony - PitBull

Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony

Letra de la canción Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony - PitBull, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony esta publicada en la categoria PitBull donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony - PitBull
[Marc Anthony]

Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me

Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me


Always a new million
Voli's the new vodka
Forty is the new 30
Baby you're a rockstar
Dale veterana, que tu sabe
Mas de la cuenta, no te hagas
Teach me or better yet,
Freak me baby, yes, yes
I'm freaky, i'mma make sure that your peach feels peachy baby
No bullshit rods, I like my women sexy classy sassy
Powerful yes, they love to get the middle, nasty ow
This ain't a game you'll see, you can put the blame on me
Dale munequita ahora ahi, and let it rain over me

[Marc Anthony]

Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me

Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me


Always a new million
Always a new vodka

Light is the new majority, ya tu sabe
Next step la casa blance
No hay carro, no vamo en balsa
Mami you know the drill, they will know what I got 'til they read the will
I ain't try, I ain't trying to keep it real
I'm trying to keep wealthy that's for real
Pero mira que tu estas buena, y mira que tu estas dura
Baby no me hables mas, y tiramelo mami chula
No games you'll see, you can put the blame on me
Dale munequita ahora ahi, and let it rain over me

[Marc Anthony]

Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me

Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me


Mr worldwide, Marc Anthony, tu sabe
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Rain over me

[Marc Anthony]

Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me

Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
La letra de la canción Rain Over Me Ft Marc Anthony - PitBull es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista PitBull.
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