Never Say U Can't - Bruno Mars

Never Say U Can't - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Never Say U Can't

Letra de la canción Never Say U Can't - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Never Say U Can't esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Never Say U Can't - Bruno Mars
Oh, oh, oh, oh
When I was just a little boy
Barely strong enough to stand
I could always count on him
He thought me everything I know
And 'till this day it shows
He was more than just a friend (ah ah ah)
There were so many times I would doubt myself
But his words were always there to help
How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn't tell me
To never say I can't
He'd carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can't
Never say you can't
Oh oh oh oh
So when last rain begins to fall
And you're out there on your own
And you can't see a thing
No no no
Just find a voice that understands
For me it was my old man
Taught me to say the words I can
There were so many times I would doubt myself
But his words were always there to help
How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn't tell me
To never say I can't
He'd carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can't
Everything he taught me would stay with me forever
No I won't forget a thing
Oh because of dad I now know myself better
And I hope I can do for him what he did for me
How would it be?
Where I am?
If my father didn't tell me
To never say I can't
He'd carry me
And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked
Right before he passed
Was to never say you can't
Never say you can't
Never say you can't
La letra de la canción Never Say U Can't - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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