Old & Crazy - Bruno Mars

Old & Crazy - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Old & Crazy

Letra de la canción Old & Crazy - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Old & Crazy esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Old & Crazy - Bruno Mars
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
When I'm old and crazy,
Will you still call me baby?
Will you act the same?
Will you laugh the same?
Will you think I'm pretty when my hair's grey?
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
Will you still hold my hand
When my clothes are out of style?
My teeth all ran away and I don't ever save smile
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
When I'm old and crazy,
Will you still call me baby?
Will you act the same?
Will you laugh the same?
Will you think I'm pretty when my hair's grey?
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
Will you still wanna dance
Even if my hips are weak?
My ears don't hear so well
And I can't find the beat
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
When I'm old and crazy,
Will you still call me baby?
Will you act the same?
Will you laugh the same?
Will you think I'm pretty when my hair's grey?
Will you still call me baby?
Will you still call me baby?
Will you still call me baby
When I'm old and crazy?
La letra de la canción Old & Crazy - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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