On Fire - Bruno Mars

On Fire - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

On Fire

Letra de la canción On Fire - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción On Fire esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de On Fire - Bruno Mars
ohh ohh ohh
ohh ohh ohh
Keep crawling up touching ya, kissing ya, loving ya
The ice is melting down your back
Cause there's a flame between us
Girl with every single touch
It's like your body strikes a match
I'mma need to
Stop (stop)
Drop (drop)
And roll (roll)
Cause baby girl your heat's out of control
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My body's a 100 degrees
Every time you standing next to me
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
Girl you make me so hot
I don't want it to stop (no)
Oh you got me burning up (oh-oh) burning up
(oh-oh) burning up (oh-oh) oh
So turn it up (oh-oh) turn it up (oh-oh) some more
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My temperature is higher
I'm sweating with desire
Feels like i'm on fire
The smoke detector's going off
The neighbour's gonna make the call
The fire trucks are on their way (oh their way, oh!)
Now we're both turning red
We've been up and down the bed
We don't care so we say
I'mma need to
Stop (stop)
Drop (drop)
And roll (roll)
Cause baby girl your heat's (your heat's)
out of (out of) control (control)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My body's a 100 degrees (ohhhh)
Every time your standing next to me
(every time your standing next to me)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
Girl you make me so hot (hot)
I don't want it to stop (no) (no)
Oh you got me burning up (oh-oh) burning up
(oh-oh) burning up (oh-oh)
So turn it up (oh-oh) turn it up (oh-oh) some more (turn it up!)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My temperature is higher
I'm sweating with desire
Feels like i'm on fire
Girl we got the house burning down (uh)
But ain't nobody gonna save us now (oooh)
And i don't care who's knocking on the door
I'mma give you more (more) more (more) more (more)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My body's a 100 degrees (ohhhh)
Every time your standing next to me
(every time your standing next to me)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
Girl you make me so hot (hot)
I don't want it to stop (no)
Oh you got me burning up (oh-oh) burning up
(oh-oh) burning up (oh-oh)
So turn it up (oh-oh) turn it up (oh-oh) some more (turn it up!)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My temperature is higher
I'm sweating with desire
Feels like i'm on fire
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My body's a 100 degrees (ohhhh)
Every time your standing next to me
(every time your standing next to me)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
Girl you make me so hot (oh)
I don't want it to stop (no) (no no)
Oh you got me burning up (oh-oh)
burning up (oh-oh) burning up (oh-oh)
So turn it up (oh-oh) turn it up (oh-oh)
some more (turn it up some more)
Feels like i'm on fire (fire) (ey ey ey)
My temperature is higher (higher)
I'm sweating with desire
Feels like i'm on fire (fireeee)
ohhh ohhh
Feels like i'm on fire
Fire ohhhh....
La letra de la canción On Fire - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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