Only When You're Lonely - Bruno Mars

Only When You're Lonely - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Only When You're Lonely

Letra de la canción Only When You're Lonely - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Only When You're Lonely esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Only When You're Lonely - Bruno Mars
Here I am again
Doing things I saId that I wouldn't do
It's 3 am and I'm rushing out the door to see you
(see you, see you, see you)
Waiting (waiting) all day (all day)
But now you wanna call me
Why do (why do)
You do this to me all the time
After all the things you put me through
Ooh still I come right back
But now I know the truth
I can finally see
You only want me when you're lonely (lonely)
If I say I'm gonna leave
That's the only time you want me (want me)
Next time you need me there I won't make it
Another late night call I won't take it
Cos now I finally see
You only want me when you're lonely
Only when you're lonely, lonely
Only when you're lonely
Only when you're lonely, lonely
Only when you're lonely
Had me fooled from the start
And I quickly gave my heart
Cos I love you, love you, love you
But this is what happens when you're a lonely girl
With no one to touch you (touch you, touch you)
Now I'm stronger don't need you any longer
So get off your knees
Your words don't mean anything
After all the things you put me through
Ooh still I come right back
But now I know the truth
I can finally see
You only want me when you're lonely (lonely)
If I say I'm gonna leave
That's the only time you want me (want me)
Next time you need me there I won't make it
Another late night call I won't take it
Cos now I finally see
You only want me when you're lonely
Oh nothing's ever changing
Decisions you can't make it
You just think of yourself
And never me at all
If you're with your friend
You just leave me alone
But I won't allow it anymore
So it's stuck on me to move on
Cos I can finally see
You only want me when you're lonely (lonely)
If I say I'm gonna leave
That's the only time you want me (want me)
Next time you need me there I won't make it
Another late night call I won't take it
Cos now I finally see
You only want me when you're lonely
Only when you're lonely, lonely
Only when you're lonely
Only when you're lonely, lonely
Only when you're lonely
I can finally see
You only want me when you're lonely (lonely)
If I say I'm gonna leave
That's the only time you want me (want me)
Next time you need me there I won't make it
Another late night call I won't take it
Cos now I finally see
You only want me when you're lonely
La letra de la canción Only When You're Lonely - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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