Phantom Planet - Bruno Mars

Phantom Planet - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Phantom Planet

Letra de la canción Phantom Planet - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Phantom Planet esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Phantom Planet - Bruno Mars
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
It's no way there can be someone as sexy as you,
(Girl you know I'm right about it)
Maybe you're saying things to keep me from you,
(When you tell me that your friends are all sexy too.)
There's something special about the look in your face,
(Never have I seen a smile like your's before.)
If you're not really in to get in with me,
(Then I got a question for you.)
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
You gotta be from somewhere out of this world.
(Cause they don't make them quite as bad as you on this planet babe.)
Your eyes, make me feel.
(Like I can fly far away with you tonight.)
Take me for a ride I wish that you will.
(So you can tell me more about you)
Or maybe show me something else just as beautiful.
(But you know that ain't happening)
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Can't imagine being in a place where everybody's as fine as you.
Couldn't live with out it, baby there's no doubt about it.
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
Will You,
Take Me,
To the Planet,
You're From?
La letra de la canción Phantom Planet - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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