Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) - Bruno Mars

Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement)

Letra de la canción Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) - Bruno Mars
Here we go, come with me,
There's a world out there that we should see,
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, i'm a racketeer
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyyy.
Up, up, here we go, go.
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyyy.
Up, up, here we go, go.
Where we stop nobody knows [knows],
Where we go we don't need roads [roads],
Where we stop nobody knows [knows],
To the stars if you really want it,
Got, got a jetpack with your name on it,
Above the clouds in the atmosphere [phere],
Just say the words and we outta here [outta here],
Hold my hand if you feelin' scared [scared],
We flyin' up, up outta here.

Here we go, come with me,
There's a world out there that we should see,
Take my hand, close your eyes,
With you right here, i'm a rocketeer,
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyy.
Up, up here we go, go.
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyy.
Up, up here we go, go. [here we go]
Where we stop nobody knows [knows],
Baby we can stay fly like a g6,
Shop the streets of tokyo get your fly kicks,
Girl you always on my mind,
Got my head up in the sky,
And i'm never looking down feelin' priceless, yeah,
Where we at, only few have known
Go on the next level, super mario
I hope this works out, cardio,
Til' then let's fly, geronimo.

Here we go, come with me,
There's a world out there that we should see,
Take my hand, close your eyes,
With you right here, i'm a rocketeer,
Let's fly, [yo]
Nah i never been in space before,
But i never seen a face like yours,
You make me feel like i could touch the planets,
You want the moon, girl watch me grab it,
See i never seen the stars this close,
You got me stuck off the way you glow,
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Here we go, come with me,
There's a world out there that we should see,
Take my hand, close your eyes,
With you right here, i'm a rocketeer,
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyy.
Up, up here we go, go.
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyy.
Up, up here we go, go.
Where we stop nobody knows, knows, knows
La letra de la canción Rocketeer (feat Far East Movement) - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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