Runaway - Bruno Mars

Runaway - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars


Letra de la canción Runaway - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Runaway esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Runaway - Bruno Mars
So easy to forget our love, the little things we do.
Like callin' for no reason, just to say the words, "baby, I love you."
I know lately I've been busy, but a second doesn't go by without chu crossin' my mind
It's been so long since we had time, let's take a day and make everything alright
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let's runaway to the place where love first found us
Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it
What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day
So let's runaway
Let's runaway, just for the day.
Girl, you've been so patient, spendin' nights alone and not complainin'
But I'll make it up to you and I promise today I won't keep you waitin'
Please give me this one chance to remind you of everything we have
I won't give up, I'm too much in love, and I want you to know that
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let's runaway to the place where love first found us
Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it
What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day
So let's runaway for the day
And I'll give everything in this moment
And I promise to make everyday just like the day
Let's runaway to the place where love first found us
Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it
What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day
So let's runaway
La letra de la canción Runaway - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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