Somewhere In Brooklyn - Bruno Mars

Somewhere In Brooklyn - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Somewhere In Brooklyn

Letra de la canción Somewhere In Brooklyn - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Somewhere In Brooklyn esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Somewhere In Brooklyn - Bruno Mars
She was covered in leather and gold
Twenty one years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
Little miss perfect sitting at the train stop
Red nike high tops listening to hip-hop
While we were waiting started conversating
Before I got her name along came a train
(uuuuuuuh) next stop Brooklyn
(uuuuuuuh) now I'm lookin'
She was covered in leather and gold
Twenty one years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
On the street kickin rocks circling the same block
Green farm flatbush checking every corner shop
Tappin' people's shoulders askin if they know her
Everyday's the same back to the train
(uuuuuuuh) next stop Brooklyn
(uuuuuuuh) I'm still lookin'
She was covered in leather and gold
21 years old
I lost her in the cold
It's unfair, she's out there
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn
I wonder if we'll ever meet again
I wonder we we'll ever meet again
Yeah I wonder if we'll meet again
I hope we do somewhere in Brooklyn
La letra de la canción Somewhere In Brooklyn - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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