Take The Long Way Home - Bruno Mars

Take The Long Way Home - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Take The Long Way Home

Letra de la canción Take The Long Way Home - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Take The Long Way Home esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Take The Long Way Home - Bruno Mars
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
We've been hanging out all night
Everythings been so nice
Wish i didn't have to go
Feeling sexy in the bentley
Touching me so gently
But i gotta get home
So many things to tell ya
Little since i held ya
Ooh boy you just don't know
Just don't know
So heres my proposition
Oh boy just listen
Before we just go down this road
Take me the long way home
Ain't trying to leave you now
Ain't no rush so can you slow it down
Take me the long way home
I know that we pulling up
Circle around the block
So we can touch some more
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
I wish i could stay all night
But i can't tonight
Cause i gotta be up at 6 (am in the mourning)
Boy you made my heart melt
When you undid my seatbelt
Told me to come give you a kiss
So many things to tell ya
So long since i held ya
Ooh boy you just don't know
Just don't know
So heres my proposition
Oh boy just listen
Before we just go down this road
Take me the long way home
Ain't trying to leave you now
Ain't no rush so can you slow it down
Take me the long way home
I know that we pulling up
Circle around the block
So we can touch some more
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Something about ya wants me to drive all night all night all night long
I can't wait to see you the next time we on
Take me the long way home
Ain't trying to leave you now
Ain't no rush so can you slow it down
Take me the long way home
I know that we pulling up
Circle around the block
So we can touch some more
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Just take me the long way home
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
Oooh oh oh oh
Kiss me while we there
Touch me while we there
Just take me the long way home
La letra de la canción Take The Long Way Home - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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