There I Go Again - Bruno Mars

There I Go Again - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

There I Go Again

Letra de la canción There I Go Again - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción There I Go Again esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de There I Go Again - Bruno Mars
There I go again
Falling in love with a girl who I know is no good for
And there I go again,thinking that maybe she'll change
when I know this wasn't meant to be
See I've tried hard to figure her out,but I don't know
what she's all about
She plays like she's not messing around but I know
And there I go again
Falling for the same old type it just aint right
And there I go again
Such a sucker for a pretty smile every time
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
There I go again
Falling in love with a girl who I know is no good for
And there I go again thinking that maybe she'll change
when I know this wasn't meant to be.
See I've been trynna give her so much, but everything I
do is just not enough
Call me crazy but I think that she really cares so I
And there I go again
falling for the same old type it just aint right
And there I go again
such a sucker for a pretty smile every time
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
I know I'm better of all on my own but your image it
won't leave me alone.
Ohhh baby can't you see that I'm so tired of going
through changes, girl you got me contemplating
dammn I feel like here I go again.
Falling for the same old type it just aint right
And there I go again such a sucker for a pretty smile
every time
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
There I go again
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go
There I go once again
There I go again
I've fallen in love with a girl I know is no good for me.
La letra de la canción There I Go Again - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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