Trippin' Out - Bruno Mars

Trippin' Out - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Trippin' Out

Letra de la canción Trippin' Out - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Trippin' Out esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Trippin' Out - Bruno Mars
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Met in a crowded place
Expression on her face
The look in her eyes said she wanted me
So I played it cool
But inside I knew
If I made my move
Then hand it for, she’s seconds away
Me and you touching, dancing, the night away
Another world, another time
Feelings of passion taking my breath away
When I like you girl
Only you can chill my mind
Trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love, your love
Time was standing still
Our destiny fulfilled
Just watching her body moving all night long
Then she took my hand
Instantly we danced
She knew by my angst that I wanted more
Me and you touching, dancing, another way
Another world, another time
Feelings of passion taking my breath away
When I let you go
Only you can chill my mind
Trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love, your love
Got me hallucinating, anticipating, imagining
(me and you)
Does that make me crazy or infatuated
For imagining
(me and you, me and you)
Got me hallucinating, anticipating, imagining
(me and you)
Does that make me crazy or infatuated
For imagining
(me and you, me and you)
Me and you, me and you, me and you
I think about you girl
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love
I'm trippin' out
I'm trippin' out
Got me thinking 'bout your love, your love, your love
La letra de la canción Trippin' Out - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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