Turn Around
Letra de la canción Turn Around - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Turn Around esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de Turn Around - Bruno Mars
I, I, I don't know why why
It seems like every other night you pick a fight, fight.
And I know I do the same, be callin' you out your name,
This is not what lovers are suppose to do.
You tell me to go, I start walkin out,
We both know what we're all about.
We fuss, fight, and scream,
And it's all because of love,
But you know? We ain't ever giving up.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
Baby, before you say, say,
Something you know you'll take back later on today, day.
Sometimes you drive me crazy, but I love ya, baby
All I ask is that you'll always appreciate me, ooohh.
You tell me to go, I start walkin out,
We both know what we're all about.
We fuss, fight, and scream,
And it's all because of love,
But you know? We ain't ever giving up.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
Ain't nobody that can love me, like you love me.
That's why I always turn around for you, you you, youuu. You, you you, youuu.
Ain't nobody that can love me, like you love me.
Thats why I always turn around. Yor you, you you, youuuu. you, you yooou.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
It seems like every other night you pick a fight, fight.
And I know I do the same, be callin' you out your name,
This is not what lovers are suppose to do.
You tell me to go, I start walkin out,
We both know what we're all about.
We fuss, fight, and scream,
And it's all because of love,
But you know? We ain't ever giving up.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
Baby, before you say, say,
Something you know you'll take back later on today, day.
Sometimes you drive me crazy, but I love ya, baby
All I ask is that you'll always appreciate me, ooohh.
You tell me to go, I start walkin out,
We both know what we're all about.
We fuss, fight, and scream,
And it's all because of love,
But you know? We ain't ever giving up.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
Ain't nobody that can love me, like you love me.
That's why I always turn around for you, you you, youuu. You, you you, youuu.
Ain't nobody that can love me, like you love me.
Thats why I always turn around. Yor you, you you, youuuu. you, you yooou.
Everytime I try to leave
Somethin's tells me turn around
'Cause how could I ever leave
The only one that holds me down
'Cause I know we can work it out
Talk it out, stick it out oohh
Everytime I try to leave
Find that we can figure it out
That's why I always turn around
La letra de la canción Turn Around - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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