Voices In My Head - Bruno Mars

Voices In My Head - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Voices In My Head

Letra de la canción Voices In My Head - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Voices In My Head esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Voices In My Head - Bruno Mars
All alone in my room
waiting for, for this phone to ring
she'll come home someday soon
i just know or am i imagining things
the voices in my head keep saying
(the voices in my head)
she's coming back to you
Is it strange that i talk to myself (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
is it weird when i hear someone else (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
what do i do (what do i do)
there's no more you (there's no more you)
and i tell me you'll be coming home (coming home)
is it strange i believe them again (oh oh oh)
voices in my head
the voices, the voices, the voices
voices in my head
the voices (oh), the voices, the voices
Someone's there at the door
this is her i just know (i just know)
i get dressed, i put on a smile
oh but i it's just the mail again (the mail again)
the playing in my mind (the playing in my mind)
saying she'll come back this time
Is it strange that i talk to myself (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
is it weird when i hear someone else (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
what do i do (what do i do)
there's no more you (there's no more you)
and i tell me you'll be coming home (coming home)
is it strange i believe them again (oh oh oh)
voices in my head
it's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok
oh just gotta get through the day
it's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok
oh i just gotta get through
the voices in my head (the voices in my head)
keep saying she's coming back to you
Is it strange that i talk to myself (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
is it weird when i hear someone else (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
what do i do (what do i do)
there's no more you (there's no more you)
and i tell me you'll be coming home (coming home)
is it strange i believe them again (oh oh oh)
voices in my head
oh, oh, oh (oh oh oh oh oh oh)
La letra de la canción Voices In My Head - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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