We Are Fighters
Letra de la canción We Are Fighters - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción We Are Fighters esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Letra de We Are Fighters - Bruno Mars
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
Only the strong survive the weak perish off
If we stay together then we can share it all
United we stand and divided we fall
Unless we let the evil amendments guide us all
Birds falling from the sky as they wings falling
Sharks attacking boat and people …
Fish dying 80% ..salute to the survivors
I admire them condolences to the one that died in triumph
Respect the wyclef and his alliance
Man think they master science tryna rule the world
But they got small things to a giant
Can't see the hood through they window
Fighting for they life separate the woman from the...
I'm a pitbull .. fight to the death for my life
I am a symbol
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
There is no other way
No other way
You got to prove it
I'm gonna fight to the end
It's in my music i'm gonna fight
This is my exclusive
Arizona shooting is that a big deal
Cause every day in the ghetto somebody gets killed
It's been real so what's beef
Cows dying watch what you eat
Is jay-z a mason or like he said is he just a mason
Government persuasion hip hop is power
Redone the invasion
I'm gonna fight for my fam
I'm gonna fight for the kids to make them understand
Before they .. watching their hand
The north pole is melting time is out their hand
No promise land more global warming more earthquakes more tornadoes storming
More mudslides more floods pouring...
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
There is no other way
That we can do it
No other way
You got to prove it
I'm gonna fight to the end
It's in my music i'm gonna fight
This is my exclusive
Some see god others point the finger
Jihad war speculations linger music is power
Extortion is the ringer modern day mob killing mexican singers
Is the world coming to an end
Or is god giving us time to fight the beast within
Men killing us political sins heart full of love of a pitiful win
... chasing the extra mil hurting the economy look at the oil spill
Blood pressure builds... while the poor leaders keep getting paid
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
Only the strong survive the weak perish off
If we stay together then we can share it all
United we stand and divided we fall
Unless we let the evil amendments guide us all
Birds falling from the sky as they wings falling
Sharks attacking boat and people …
Fish dying 80% ..salute to the survivors
I admire them condolences to the one that died in triumph
Respect the wyclef and his alliance
Man think they master science tryna rule the world
But they got small things to a giant
Can't see the hood through they window
Fighting for they life separate the woman from the...
I'm a pitbull .. fight to the death for my life
I am a symbol
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
There is no other way
No other way
You got to prove it
I'm gonna fight to the end
It's in my music i'm gonna fight
This is my exclusive
Arizona shooting is that a big deal
Cause every day in the ghetto somebody gets killed
It's been real so what's beef
Cows dying watch what you eat
Is jay-z a mason or like he said is he just a mason
Government persuasion hip hop is power
Redone the invasion
I'm gonna fight for my fam
I'm gonna fight for the kids to make them understand
Before they .. watching their hand
The north pole is melting time is out their hand
No promise land more global warming more earthquakes more tornadoes storming
More mudslides more floods pouring...
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
There is no other way
That we can do it
No other way
You got to prove it
I'm gonna fight to the end
It's in my music i'm gonna fight
This is my exclusive
Some see god others point the finger
Jihad war speculations linger music is power
Extortion is the ringer modern day mob killing mexican singers
Is the world coming to an end
Or is god giving us time to fight the beast within
Men killing us political sins heart full of love of a pitiful win
... chasing the extra mil hurting the economy look at the oil spill
Blood pressure builds... while the poor leaders keep getting paid
In this life we are fighters
In a world where they try to divide us
Time's running out
We don't have forever
Unless we break down
This world stand together
There's no other way
There's no other way
La letra de la canción We Are Fighters - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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