Who Is - Bruno Mars

Who Is - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Who Is

Letra de la canción Who Is - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Who Is esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Who Is - Bruno Mars
Oh, I was perfect
For the circus
If she did me a do it
Love makes you estupid
I gave it up,
But I guess it was not enough
Cause she never seemed satisfied
Oh oh oh...
I know I'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is? Oh oh oh
She wanted someone that's perfect
Well okay
But can you tell me who is?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
She set at the bar
Just above the stars
A rocket couldn't reach it
But I steel can't don't reach in
She watch me try
At least a thousand times
If she loved me, she'd stop me
But no
Oh oh oh...
I know I'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is? Oh oh oh
She wanted someone that's perfect
Well okay
But can you tell me who is?
I saw something worth my future
So wrong, so wrong
In my mind I was all it took
But I guess I was wrong
Oh oh oh
I know I'm not perfect
But at the end of the day
Who is?
Oh oh oh
She wants someone that's perfect
Well okay
But can you tell me who is?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
La letra de la canción Who Is - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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Lo más visto de Bruno Mars

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