Young Girls - Bruno Mars

Young Girls - Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Young Girls

Letra de la canción Young Girls - Bruno Mars, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Young Girls esta publicada en la categoria Bruno Mars donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Bruno Mars
Letra de Young Girls - Bruno Mars
I spent all my money on a big old fancy car
For these bright eyed honeys
Oh yeah, you know who you are
Keep me up 'til the sun is high
'Til the birds start calling my name
I'm addicted and I don't know why
Guess I've always been this way
All these roads steer me wrong
But I still drive them all night long, all night long
All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah, you young wild girls
You'll be the death of me, the death of me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you
I get lost under these lights
I get lost in the words I say
Start believing my own lies
Like everything will be okay
Oh, I still dream of a simple life
Boy meets girl, makes her his wife
But love don't exist when you live like this that much I know, yes I know
All these roads steer me wrong
But I still drive them all night long, all night long
All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah you young wild girls
You'll be the death of me, the death of me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you
You, you
You, you, you
Yeah you, you, you
You, you, you
All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
Yeah you young wild girls
You'll be the death of me, the death of me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah, you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you, come back to you
La letra de la canción Young Girls - Bruno Mars es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Bruno Mars.
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