Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry

Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Agree To Disagree

Letra de la canción Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción Agree To Disagree esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry
Letra de Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry
You hate the sand between your toes 
I like the beach on a sunny day 
I like pink margaritas, it appears you like beer 
I like a foreign accent 
You just say "What? What the hell they say?" 
We got different perspectives 
Night and day, but that's okay 

Sometimes I like to trade you in 
For someone more like me 
You tell me I was right again 
We get on famously 
Life would be boring without you to disagree 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 

You like to fight in silence 
I like to scream while I'm breaking plates 
You like the heavy metal 
But I like songs to sing along to 

Sometimes I like to trade you in 
For someone more like me 
You tell me I was right again 
We get on famously 
Life would be boring without you to disagree 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah 

And I will, but you won't 
And I do, but, but you don't 
We won't budge either way 
But we like it, we like it 

Sometimes I like to trade you in 
For someone more like me 
You tell me I was right again 
We get on famously 
Life would be boring without you to disagree 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(We agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah 
(Let's agree to disagree) 
Yeah yeah yeah
La letra de la canción Agree To Disagree - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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