By the Grace of God - Katy Perry

By the Grace of God - Katy Perry
Katy Perry

By the Grace of God

Letra de la canción By the Grace of God - Katy Perry, con su video para ver y escuchar en línea, la canción By the Grace of God esta publicada en la categoria Katy Perry donde puedes encontrar más letras de este artista.
By the Grace of God - Katy Perry
Letra de By the Grace of God - Katy Perry
Was twenty-seven, surviving my return of Saturn 
A long vacation didn't sound so bad 
Was full of secrets locked and tied like iron melting 
Running on empty so out of gas 

Thought I wasn't enough 
Found I wasn't so tough 
Laying on the bathroom floor 
We were living on a fault line 
And I felt the fault was all mine 
Couldn't take it anymore 

By the grace of God 
(There was no other way) 
I picked myself back up 
(I knew I had to stay) 
I put one foot in front of the other and I 
Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 
Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way 

I thank my sister for keeping my head above the water 
When the truth was like swallowing sand 
Now, every morning, hope there is no more mourning 
Oh, I can finally see myself again 

I know I am enough, possible to be loved 
It was not about me 
Now I have to rise above 
Let the universe call the bluff 
Yeah, the truth will set you free 

By the grace of God 
(There was no other way) 
I picked myself back up 
(I knew I had to stay) 
I put one foot in front of the other and I 
Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 
Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way 

That way, no, that way no 
Not in the name, in the name of love 
That way, no, that way, no 
I am not giving up 
By the grace of God 
I picked myself back up 
I put one foot in front of the other and 
I looked in the mirror 
(Looked in the mirror) 
Looked in the mirror 
(Looked in the mirror) 

By the grace of God 
(There was no other way) 
I picked myself back up 
(I knew I had to stay) 
I put one foot in front of the other and I 
Looked in the mirror and decided to stay 
Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way
La letra de la canción By the Grace of God - Katy Perry es propiedad de su autor, está publicada en nuestro sitio con fines informativos y promocionales del artista Katy Perry.
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